Simply Bar Designer

Design Title:   Filename:   Note:
Open|Close product list panel
Product Lists

Simply Bar Modules

600 Series Bar Modules
700 Series Bar Modules
600 Series Basket Rack
700 Series Basket Rack
600 Series Blender Station
700 Series Blender Station
600 Series Cocktail Stations
700 Series Cocktail Stations
600 Series Beer Stations (GR-Glass Rinser)
700 Series Beer Stations (GR-Glass Rinser)
Countertop and Drop in Beer Stations (GR)
End Panel Kits
Wall Building Modules

2D Canvas not supported

3D WebGL View

Open|Close detail panel
Spaceholder Position
X(cm): Y(cm):
Scene Products
| Pan: 0, 0 | Scale: 1 | In Window (px): 0, 0 | In Space (mm): 0, 0 |
| | Camera: View: |
  Floor extension by m/edge | Floor tiles/m | Z Fixed Distance Check

Summary of Design Items

SS Simply Stainless 1 600 Series Bar Modules 0 01-6-0900

Both form fields are required.

If you are not a SimplyStainless Bar Designer Tool user yet, please first.

Please enter your username. You will receive an email message with instructions on how to reset your password.

All form fields are required. It is highly recommended to define your User Name and Password as a sequence of alphanumerical characters without spaces. It is important because your User Name plays also the role of your personal user directory on the remote server.
By signing up to use this application, you are automatically added to our user database. To unsubscribe please email us directly or click the unsubscribe link on an email newsletter you receive from us.

6 characters minimum.
6 characters minimum.
Retype your previous password.
Your valid e-mail address.

All form fields are required.

Your valid e-mail address.
SimplyStainless Logo
Bar Designer Tool

Version 2.1.1

Simply the easiest way to accurately design your new kitchen!
To use, just select a product category from the Product Lists on the left and a list will appear of all products belonging to this category. Click your desired product to pick it up. The product model will appear inside the graphical workspace at the Spaceholder object's current position. Paralelly, it's short description will appear in the Scene Products list on the right side. Once you have selected all your products, after selecting from the Scene Products, you can arrange them by dragging into new position, and rotating them (using controls in the Transforms Dialog box). If you decide you don't need a product, simply delete it. To save your design, print it out and get a quote you will need to be signed up with Simply Stainless. Use the Login section to sign up. It will only take a few moments. If you have any suggestions on how we can improve the Bar Designer Tool, please email us at

(C) 2020 Simply Stainless & FixPoint

If required change your password and printout header graphics (logo).

Your user name is fixed and can not be changed. You, however, can change your password.

Your printout header graphics (logo) is a .jpg graphics of preferred maximum height of 50 pixels. If it is higher it will be automatically rescaled on your Print Sheet.

Dear ,

Please describe your issue in the below text area then send it to us. It will help us to improve the Bar Designer Tool application to serve your future needs better.

Please set a short descriptive title for your design and also define a design file name below. Additionally you can also add a short design note

Note the design file name will automatically be extended by the .dsg file extension. If the file name contains some non-alphanumeric or underscore characters they will be slugged to conform the commonly acceptable format.
After confirming this dialog your current design will be lost. Before creating a new design please click Cancel and save your current design first.

Please select your design to open. The current design will be closed and the new one will be open instead if the named file exists.

In the file name you are not required to include the .dsg file extension that is automatically added to any design file name when created.

Your design file will be saved on the remote server. Knowing it's name after any later login you can open this file again.

The file with the name in the input box will be rewritten on the remote server. If you do not want to rewrite it click Cancel and use rather the "Save As" menu instead of this.

Please set your new design file name. Your design file will be saved on the remote server. Knowing it's name after any later login you can open this file again.

The design file name must include the .dsg (lowercase) file extension.